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Shark Week 2019 Is Going to Be Epic!

Posted by Beth Stevens on

Shark Week 2019 Is Going to Be Epic!

Here is the schedule for Shark Week 2019.  Lots of new programming, including a new movie.  Get the shark gummies and fin cupcakes ready for the viewing party! https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/shark-week-2019-schedule-includes-165216310.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma

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Cool Your Drink In No Time

Posted by Beth Stevens on

Cool Your Drink In No Time

We are happy to say that we went all "Sid the Science Kid," and tried this cooling method out --- AND it worked!  Don't ask us the science behind how it worked, but the room temperature drinks were definitely ice cold in about 10-15 minutes. This paper towel wrap process cools drinks much faster than simply sticking them in the freezer.  Wish we knew this method way back in our college beer-drinking days! https://www.coastalliving.com/food/entertaining/how-to-chill-drinks-fast?utm_source=emailshare&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-share-article&utm_content=20190706&utm_term=274871

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These Summer Cocktails Are Simply Perfect

Posted by Beth Stevens on

These Summer Cocktails Are Simply Perfect

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave it up.  Reading, that is. -Henny Youngman The weather is perfect, and it's a perfect time of the year to imbibe in a fun cocktail.  Country Living has compiled a fabulous list of 40 simple cocktails that pack a punch.  Not only to do these drinks look terrific, but they taste terrific as well.  What's more, they  are pretty simple to make, and they'll "blow-up" your Instagram feed with likes and follows! Don't deny it, we all LOVE a good photo opportunity! Happy Summer! https://www.countryliving.com/food-drinks/g1659/summer-drink-recipes/

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Adidas is doing its part to clean up the ocean!

Posted by Beth Stevens on

Adidas is doing its part to clean up the ocean!

Guess which sneaker company just climbed to the tippity-top of our list? Adidas, for the win! Check-out all of their campaign to help reduce ocean plastics. https://www.awesomeinventions.com/adidas-parleyrecycled-ocean-plastic/

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Plastics Are A Problem!

Posted by Beth Stevens on

Plastics Are A Problem!

Walk along the shoreline of any beach in the world these days, and you are sure to find indicators of the incredible problem plastic pollution is to our beautiful oceans. Here is some great information about this problem, as well as some practical ways that we can help to make this dire situation better.  As avid beachgoers, let's do our part! https://www.ecowatch.com/22-facts-about-plastic-pollution-and-10-things-we-can-do-about-it-1881885971.html

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