About US
A Shade Different From the Rest
Posted by Beth Stevens on

As part of our quest to keep you informed of all things relating to the "big blue space," we will frequently send a "shout out" to interesting and noteworthy "people, places or things." This week's "shout out" goes to See2Sea eyewear company, an Italian business that sells upscale sunglasses. The interesting thing about these very attractive and well-made shades is that they are made entirely out of 100% recycled sea plastic. Specifically, they scour the ocean floor for fishing nets, that haven't been properly disposed of, and have instead landed in the bottom of the sea. If not for See2Sea...
The Beach is Our HAPPY PLACE!
Posted by Beth Stevens on

We always knew that the beach had healing powers! Now we have research to prove that spending time at the ocean is really great for your well being. Check it out: Sending Out an S.O.S. -Click Here Go Find Your "Blue Space," Baby!
Are the Heat Miser and Snow Miser Messing With Us?
Posted by Beth Stevens on

We know it is hard to believe, but while the Northeast Region of the U.S. was dealing with an arctic freeze last week, Australia was having an extreme heat wave! We hope that our friends in Australia loaded up on sun protective clothing! Check out the two predicaments here: SENDING OUT AN S.O.S...Click Here! What do you think? Are the Heat Miser and the Snow Miser waging an epic battle? Not likely! Climatologists say human-induced global warming is to blame!
Shout Out To Our Namesakes
Posted by Beth Stevens on

It turns out that no-one, or no thing, is exempt from this bitter cold. It's so cold that even SHARKS are feeling the deep freeze. Three thresher sharks washed up on Cape Cod last week, "stranded due to cold shock." Here's hoping our little company can raise some funds to help scientists research sharks and how they are can adjust to extreme weather. Here is an interesting article about sharks and the "arctic outbreak:" Sending Out an S.O.S....Click Here
Sweet Dreams 'Till SUNBEAMS Find You!
Posted by Beth Stevens on

When Mama Cass and the Papas crooned these sweet lyrics in 1968, tanning was more common than ever. Americans worked really hard on maximizing their tans, and delighted in that "after sun" glow. Now, we know that skin exposure to those beautiful sunbeams can cause cancer, and wrinkles. Even Christie Brinkley, the golden-haired poster babe of the 1980s recently lamented that one of her biggest beauty regrets was tanning when she was younger! We hope that you will find our many sun protective products to be cool, comfortable ways to combat sun exposure. Thanks for checking us out, as we...